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Tony Pearce

Tony graduated from Maidstone College of Art (UK) with an honours degree in Fine Art back in the 80s.  After a few exhibitions in London, Tony opted for a career in Marketing and Market Research.  Having worked in the commercial world across a number of countries Tony decided to fulfil a lifelong dream and moved to New Zealand in 2011.  Tony was immediately struck by the beauty of the coastline and the power of the sea in and around the Bay of Plenty and almost immediately started work on a series of seascape paintings.


This sea series is the result of three years work and explores the qualities of the sea, the power and movement of waves, and the translucent and fluid nature of water.  Tony said: ‘the sea is a central theme to my paintings, particularly in early morning or late evening – I just love the way this light is reflected, changed and enhanced by water.’  Tony also enthuses about the medium he works in and said ‘I’m a big fan of the qualities of oil paint and often build up a painting with layers of transparent glazes which are allowed to dry before scumbling dry brushwork over key areas to obtain that rich texture only oil paint can produce.’

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